November - Monthly Wellness Message

November Empower Wellbeing Information

Attached are the wellbeing challenges and activities for November! I want to extend a thank you to all of you who have been working tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that pandemic and compassion fatigue are real and extend to your family members as well. If you are feeling the emotional impact of this pandemic, know that you are not alone and it is okay to not be okay. Our ask is that you reach out for help. We want you to take good care of yourselves not just physically, but emotionally. We also know that can sometimes seem like a daunting task so I have attached the emotional support resources that are available to you. Please use them.

Empower prize store  

  • Points updated in Empower prize store by the end of the first week of each month.
  • Purchasing prizes does not impact total Empower points in the Empower portal where you track your completed challenges/activities.
  • You will have until January 31, 2021 to submit prize orders. On February 1, your Empower prize store points will be reset to zero.

College Covid-19 Resources   

A friendly reminder to please visit the College COVID-19 Resources page at There you will find COVID-19 updates, helpful links, student resources, as well as Clarkson College student COVID-19 reporting data.

  • Please be aware the student intake form link is located on the resources page.  Reach out to Compliance with any self-reporting or quarantine questions.
  • Link to the employee intake form located here too and on the Employee Intranet. Employees, please contact HR with any COVID-19 or quarantine questions.
  • Stay tuned for an update coming soon regarding COVID-19 testing services available for our College Community.

10th Annual Climb the College   Nov 17, 2020

The 10th annual Climb the College event will be one like none before it (and hopefully none in the future). Due to COVID-19 we have made changes to protect all those on campus. Full details are on the college page

  • Students/Employees can participate by selecting an hour block between 8am and 12 noon to complete your climbs on campus, OR, you can register as a virtual participant.
  • Everyone who registers will be invited to the Teams page for the event. This platform allows us to collaborate, share your climbs and pictures and demonstrates completion of the stairs. 
  • To be entered in the participation drawing, you must register, and climb at least 1 climb of the college (ground to 6th floor) on campus (or if virtual climb at least 5 flights of stairs prior to Noon) and post to the Teams site.  We hope to see everyone active and supporting physical wellness!

Don’t forget to get out and Vote!

Election Day is this Tuesday, Nov 3 2020. See the following information for NE/IA and to search your area to be sure your voice is heard:

Nebraska Information

Important deadlines:

  • Oct. 16: Last day to register online or by mail (postmarked)
  • Oct. 23: Last day to register in person/ absentee ballot requests to be received
  • Nov. 2: Last day of early voting
  • Nov. 3: Election Day polls open8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Early ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3 

Iowa Information

Important deadlines:

  • Oct 24: Last day to register online, in person, or by mail /ballot request to be received
  • Nov 2: Last day of early voting
  • Nov 3: Election Day; 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Early ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 2 or hand returned by 9 p.m. on Nov. 3

Nonpartisan Resources


Keeping up with Physical Wellness through the Holidays   

There are some great events and resources to keep you moving as the days get shorter and holiday food fills our plates.  Check out a few of these and explore what might be in your area:

Turkey Trot
Hot Cider Hustle
Bigfoot Santa Shuffle  

Flu Shot Clinic

Influenza season upon us and the Flu Shot Clinics are in full swing at Nebraska Medicine.  Clarkson College will have our own clinic on campus for students/employees on Nov 4 from12:30-3:30pm.  Link to Nebraska Medicine Health Tracking System and other flu shot clinics Here (NM access required).  Both employees/students need to complete the Influenza Vaccination Documentation prior to the clinic, and should have their badge.

November Wellness Events 

For full details see the Wellness Calendar and direct event communications.  Don’t miss out!

  • Nov 4- Stress Awareness Day- Meet/Greet Counselors w/ Hot Cocoa 12-1pm.
  • Nov 4- Flu Shot Clinic 12:30-3:30 Howard Hall  (see instructions prior to event)
  • Nov 5- Trauma An Overview for Healthcare Professionals 4:30pm  (see email RSVP)
  • Nov 10 – Campus Pickup 3:30pm Main Lobby. Sign Up
  • Nov 17 – Climb the College- Physical Wellness event 8am-12pm/Virtual Signup Page
  • Gratitude Submissions all Month Link to share what you are grateful for

Fitness Classes: 

Search the Clarkson College website