October- Monthly Wellness Message

October Empower Wellbeing Information

The deadline for earning points toward health benefits may have passed, but employees can still participate in meaningful wellness events as well as earn points toward the prize store. Check out the October 2020 Wellbeing challenges.pdf for more information.

Employees can access the Empower prize store here. A reminder that prizes ordered through the Empower prize store take up to six weeks for delivery. This includes gift cards. Any non-branded items are taxed, including gift cards. Gift cards up to $100 have a $10 activation fee. All $200 gift cards have a $20 activation fee. These fees are included in your taxable total for each gift card.

Points are updated in the Empower prize store by the end of the first week of each month. Purchasing prizes does not impact your grand total of Empower points in the Empower portal where you track your completed challenges/activities. You will have until January 31, 2021 to submit prize orders. On February 1, your Empower prize store points will be reset to zero.

Fall 2020 Wellness Calendar    

The fall 2020 semester is off and rolling, and we have resources to help you be successful. Check out the attached Wellness Calendar Fall 2020.pdf. We hope you are able to attend many of these in the coming months and together support one another for a stronger campus community. 

Fall Fitness Classes 

We continue the Free Fitness Classes on campus this fall with Yoga, HIIT and Tai Chi classes.

Note: Due to Office 365 Bookings difficulties, we have temporarily moved to SignUpGenius. See Outlook calendar invites for signup links for each event.

Clarkson College Wellness Web Pages   

  • What is wellness at Clarkson College? 
  • What resources are there available for employees' and students' wellbeing?
  • How can I care for myself, so I can care for others?

These questions and more can be answered with the wellness resources at Clarkson College. Over the next several months we will be rolling out new web pages for wellness on our campus. Start with the Wellness main page (www.clarksoncollege.edu/wellness) and explore the section of the month: Physical Wellness.

 October Highlight Wellness Events

For full details, see the Wellness Calendar and direct event communications. Don’t miss out!

Oct. 1 - Self-Defense Class at 4:30 p.m. in Howard Hall and Zoom

Oct. 7 - Finances and Emotional Wellness at 12:30 p.m. in Howard Hall. 

Oct. 13–27 - Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Oct. 20 - Domestic Violence Awareness session at 4 p.m.

Oct. 27 - PTA 5K Costume Run at 12:30 p.m. (Flyer Halloween 5k.pdf)

Fitness classes each week

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