Affordable Colleges (AC) Online, a leading education and industry resource for online education information, ranked Clarkson College 3rd in the category of Best Online Master’s in Health Administration degrees for 2015-2016.
All colleges, universities, and online programs included in AC Online’s Affordable Colleges Rankings List passed the following criteria:
The Clarkson College Master’s degree in Health Administration program scored 93.75 out of a possible 100 points. Scores were calculated based on the following metrics:
*PBV: A proprietary metric that compares the cost of a program to the cost of other programs with the same (or a similar) qualitative score. It also compares the qualitative score of the program to the score of other programs with the same (or a similar cost). In short, the PBV calculation denotes the overall value or “bang for your buck” of an online master’s degree.